Episode 6: New Documents Revealed
With Ronni Chasen’s investigation officially closed, Beverly Hills Police would be challenged over the next several years to release over 200 pages of semi-redacted documents relating to the investigation. Those documents, reviewed by the Hollywood Reporter, show conflicting information about the evidence implicating Harold Smith, and call into question some of the police department’s public statements over the course of the Chasen investigation. In the final episode of our six-part series, we discuss what the documents reveal, and the most significant unanswered questions remaining about Ronni Chasen’s murder.
Guests: Barry A. J. Fisher – Former Crime Laboratory Director, Joshua Ritter – Criminal Defense Attorney, Former Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney, Steve Katz – Former showrunner and Executive Producer for America’s Most Wanted, Myrl Stebens – Licensed Private Investigator, Former Police Investigator